Use cases

Established Buyers

Discover your next hit with RightsTrade
RightsTrade is a platform that helps you find territorial distribution rights, screen titles, and connect with film and TV sellers.

Elevate your acquisition process and find titles that will appeal to your audience with RightsTrade’s avails-search engine and personalized recommendations. We empower you to discover the content you’re looking for.

Let the right titles find you

Our recommendation engine makes content discovery easier than ever, putting titles that match your search criteria directly in front of you.

Request curated selections 

Whether you’re looking for niche genres or specific project types, just ask and we’ll deliver! Our concierge team will share titles curated just for you.

Search efficiently

Leverage our avails search engine to easily find titles with rights available in your territories that align with your programming strategy.

Acquire strategically

Identify titles with the potential for maximum impact in your target markets thanks to the Cinelytic Comps Tool.

Connect with a click

When you find titles you like, request a screener, send a price inquiry, or write a brief message directly to the rightsholder with a simple click.

How can we help you?

If you have additional questions, please contact us using the form. We appreciate your feedback.

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