The #1 Global Marketplace for Film & Television Rights

RightsTrade connects thousands of buyers and sellers through the most secure and efficient platform for discovering, evaluating, buying and selling content rights.
28123 Members
12873 Companies
4933 Titles
487635 Screenings
I’m a buyer

Discover curated title recommendations and access licensing rights from the industry’s leading sales agents and content owners.

Learn how to search, screen, analyze, and buy titles with RightsTrade.

I’m a seller

Promote your titles with data-driven insights and share secure screeners with our global community of thousands of vetted buyers.

Learn how to assess your content value and generate sales with RightsTrade.

Featured content
  • Tully
    2016 | Documentary | 1h 35min
Classic Horror Favorites
Trusted by leading content owners
  • “As buyers search for avails and request secure screeners, we are maximizing the licensing potential of our entire catalogue.”

    Scarlett Pettyjohn, VP of Distribution Services
    Sierra Affinity

  • “The RightsTrade platform facilitates our licensing efforts by providing our team with unparalleled sales and screening features.”

    Jason K. Buckley, Head of International Sales & Acquisitions – Lakeshore Entertainment

  • “It’s rare that I feel able to recommend a product unreservedly and RightsTrade is that killer product. It provides a level of security, flexibility, and ease of use that is unparalleled, and sets the bar for the entire industry.”

    Brian Beckmann, Chief Financial Officer – Arclight Films

  • “RightsTrade is a remarkable selling tool that enables us to do our job, faster, more efficiently and with the confidence of security.”

    Clay Epstein, President – Film Mode Entertainment

Why RightsTrade?

  • Game Changing Insights

    Assess the value of content in minutes

    Cinelytic’s state-of-the-art Comps Tool offers game changing insights on Film and TV titles at a fraction of the traditional cost. Access to the most in-depth film database available, consisting of over 100,000 titles, to generate insights and make the best decisions.

  • Curated Content

    Save time searching titles that match your criteria

    Take advantage of our advanced avails search tool to expedite content search for your territory or use our concierge service to receive personalized content recommendations.

  • Secure Asset Sharing

    Keep full control over the security of your videos and documents

    Share personalized screeners and screenplays with peace of mind with our studio-grade security features, customizable and identifiable watermarking, and individual authorizations. Powered by Amazon S3, our screening room is compliant with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) best practices.

  • Viewership Analytics

    Keep a close watch on the traction of your titles

    Have you ever wondered what happens after you share a screener or screenplay? Now, you’ll know! Thanks to our views tracking reports and responsive dashboards, you’ll immediately access detailed information about user interactions with your titles and market demand trends. 

Want to assess the value of titles?

Our best-in-class Cinelytic Comps Tool provides you with actionable insights to help you future-proof your decisions

Security features
Studio-Grade Security

RightsTrade’s video player uses Digital Rights Management (DRM) encryption to ensure security of your video assets across all devices and browsers, fully securing your copyrighted assets and digital content to prevent piracy or unauthorized use.


All requests to stream are digitally signed and time-limited. Screeners include a customizable watermark with each viewer’s email. The video stream will cease if attempts to remove it are detected or after the time limit expires.

Authorizations and Tracking

RightsTrade Sellers have full control over the security settings of their screeners:

  • A screener can only be viewed if an authorization was granted by a Seller company that holds the rights of a specific title. 
  • A screener authorization is tied to an individual’s email address or RightsTrade account username.
  • The Seller company specifies a time frame (date and time, down to the minute) during which the screener is available to watch.
  • A screener authorization can be limited to a certain number of views and devices.
Secure Cloud Storage

Our RRS is compliant with MPAA’s best practices for securely storing, processing, and delivering protected media and content.

Amazon S3’s Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature provides RightsTrade with the same highly scalable, robust and secure, infrastructure used to run Amazon´s global network of websites.


We are proud to work with industry leading solutions to ensure the highest quality experience for our community of vetted industry professionals.

How can we help you?

If you have additional questions, please contact us using the form. We appreciate your feedback.

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